


What is this ?

This is just my personal site on the web. I use it to store and share information.

Homo liber nulla de re minus quam de morte cogitat; 
et ejus sapientia non mortis sed vitae meditatio est.

(There is nothing over which a free man ponders less than death; his wisdom is,to meditate not on death but on life.) 
				       [SPINOZA'S Ethics, Pt IV, Prop.67]


What is life if not extracting electrons from something and use them to generate an electrochemical potential across a phase that drives us far, far away from equilibrium? Physical separation of protons though membranes allow this. I like to think that Rothko’s paintings illustrate the electrochemical gradient with different chromatic fields. I see the thick orange lines as the membranes, the top orange field as the cytoplasm and the white space as the lumen full of protons. Illustrated below in the inner membrane with the two separate motors is, of course, the ATP synthase (PDB: 6CP3).


This website was created under the terms of the open-source MIT license. Do you want to collaborate in some scientific projects? Do you have any question ? Write to me: as2945@cam.ac.uk.


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