Amidst the turmoil of the world
while the pandemic spreads around
nationalistic fears arise
and racist wars are gaining ground.

In this unprecedented times
I felt the urge to take a break
So I phoned my friends
and took a plane
to fly to the Sardinian shores

An airbus full of British lads
brought me safe to the motherland
Then Ale reached me with a car,
we drove to Alghero around midnight.

The town was filled with lively youth
We ate and drank and read a book
and slept outside a police yard.
At dawn we parted for the south,
where we reached the rest of the crew.

From there more friends joined in the trip
we formed a convoy of four cars
and without plans nor reckonings
we toured gaily around the isle.

We did not touch a single bed,
but every night on virgin sands
we wildly camped and felt at home.

I wished I always lived liked this:
with freedom, friends and by the sea.
No thoughts, no news, just harmony
with the surrounding eartlhy peace.